

Schedule email and text reminders with ease.

Over 10,000,000 reminders sent.

Used and trusted by:

Simple Email and Text Reminders

Notify effectively

Get results

Schedule email reminders with daily, weekly, monthly, and more customizable options.

New Schedule email and text reminders to send any time of the day, exact to the minute!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! New interface is easier than ever.

Get feedback with open rates, bounce tracking, and polls.


Signup to create your free account and login.


Create reminders. Enter recipients, specify when and how often the reminder should send, and enter your message.

Compose recurring emails with SendRecurring
Monitor recurring email statistics with SendRecurring


Monitor your email and text reminders to get results, check message open rates and bounces, and review answers to polls. See what dates and times your reminders receive better responses.

A great video tutorial by Daniel Gauthier from Twinbytes Inc: